Steven 23bf4 Profile
Steven, 52
Colorectal CancerStage 2
United States of America
Year of Diagnosis
2021 (Estimated)
Stomach cramps, weight loss and vomiting
Treatment Plan
Surgery, chemo- and immunotherapy
Side Effects
Diarrhea, fatigue, weight fluctuations
Ways to Manage Side Effects
Prescribed medication, better nutrition
Steven 23bf4 Profile

I’m Steven, and after experiencing many different symptoms, I was eventually diagnosed with stage 2 colorectal cancer.

My family and I have moved to New York in order for me to receive treatment.

Symptoms Stomach Pain 2

I was suffering from very bad stomach cramps. I couldn’t eat and kept vomiting, and also suffered weight loss. I got a second opinion because I wanted to consult a more experienced doctor and confirm my diagnosis.

I had many different feelings after being diagnosed. I was numb and withdrawn, and I felt isolated and lonely. I was also resentful, and at the same time helpless, overwhelmed and worried. I grieved the fact that I had cancer and how vulnerable it made me feel.

Emotions Confused 1
Alicia Lifestyle

I changed a lot of my habits after knowing I had cancer. I cut down alcohol and smoking, and tried to exercise more and eat more healthily.

Drew Medical Care

I’m currently undergoing treatment, and my doctor originally recommended me the following treatment plan:

After doing my own research and considering my doctor’s advice, I decided to opt out of radiation therapy. I’m now undergoing chemo, and I also take traditional Chinese medicine and nutritional supplements.

I felt anxious and scared after deciding on my treatment plan. I’m not sure if my insurance will cover the cost of immunotherapy, and I’m worried about paying out of pocket.

Side Effects Weight Fluctuation 2

Because of the treatment, I had diarrhea, and often felt fatigued. My weight also fluctuated. Together with improving my nutrition, I was also prescribed medication to help cope with these side effects.

Lifestyle Healthy Diet 4

Since beginning treatment, I’ve made even more effort to live a healthy lifestyle. I cut down on alcoholic drinks even more, and now I have just one drink a week. I smoke less, and also put more effort into eating healthily every day.

As for my family, I try to spend time with my children more often and go on more family trips.

Aspirations Planning Trip

I’m hoping to travel back home to China to visit family within the next two years. I’d also like to start a shop or small restaurant in Chinatown to support my family and myself.

My family and I moved here because the treatment center here is better, but the cost of living in New York is expensive. I’m hoping that a shop can help to cut medical costs. I want to send my son and daughter to college, and make sure my wife has enough money if I go.

Words Praying 3

I fear dying, because I want to achieve my dream of opening a shop and I don’t want to leave my family alone. I don't know if my wife will take care of herself if I'm gone. My kids need money to go to college too.

The way to cope with this fear is to spend more time with my family. I also talk a lot more with my son, which I never did before I had cancer. Going to church and praying with my wife also helps. We found some friends in church who are going through cancer too.

Emotions Nice Sky 2

I don’t feel as angry, fearful or sad as when I was first diagnosed. I’m just neutral now.

Loh Words

Your cancer journey may not always be smooth. I still feel a little lost today, but follow your doctor's recommendations. Ask for a second opinion if you feel you need it. Make sure to check on your loved ones too.

This patient's story is published and shared with their full consent. Any personal data that can be used to identify the patient has been omitted.
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