Cary Profile
Cary, 71
Prostate CancerStage 3
Year of Diagnosis
PSA test
Treatment Plan
Hormone therapy
Side Effects
Cognitive slowing, hot flashes, others
Ways to Manage Side Effects
Increased exercise, improved nutrition
Cary Profile

My cancer journey began with a PSA test that led to a stage 3 prostate cancer diagnosis in January 2023. To be thorough, I consulted four different doctors for second opinions.

After careful consideration, my wife and I decided on hormone therapy and I am currently on a treatment plan that includes Zoladex, abiraterone, and prednisone. Though I’ve experienced cognitive slowing, hot flashes, and fatigue, regular exercise and improved nutrition have helped me manage these side effects.

Symptoms Blood Test 1

Everything started when my new doctor sent me for a PSA test. I had no symptoms. After I was diagnosed with prostate cancer, I consulted my family doctor, a urologist, and two oncologists for a second opinion.

Emotions Fear 1

Finding out I had cancer left me fearful, sad, surprised and worried. I was worried about my wife if I died. I was also worried about finances if I could not work.

Timothy Lifestyle

I opted for hormone therapy for a few reasons

  • My urologist gave me reading material and suggested websites for my own research
  • My wife and I made the decision together
  • All my four doctors agreed

I was on Zoladex and bicalutamide initially, then Zoladex, abiraterone, and prednisone. There were no changes unless or until symptoms get worse or PSA increases. My PSA is currently 0.08. CT scans show that the spread to lymph nodes is not growing. Bone scans are negative.

I’m still on hormone therapy and my treatment costs are covered by the BC Cancer program*. Deciding on hormone therapy made me optimistic because of the research and talking to other patients on this treatment plan.

* BC Cancer is an organization that provides a comprehensive cancer control program for the people of British Columbia, Canada.

Side Effects Fatigue Slow Cognitive Ability

Slower cognitive ability and hot flashes are the side effects that have affected me the most. Because of them, I have to concentrate on tasks and I stopped driving. Apart from that, I’m also suffering from fatigue.

To cope with these side effects, I exercise more often. I bought a bicycle and ride regularly. I’m also taking free exercise and yoga online from Prostate Cancer Foundation of Canada. Besides that, I improved my nutrition based on online dietician videos from BC Cancer.

Lifestyle Bike

I was recommended some medical advice on my exercise frequency and nutrition, both of which I was very compliant with. The biggest change in my lifestyle is in my exercise habits. I regularly exercise and do yoga. I walk or bike ride every day. This had increased my energy level and helped with the fatigue.

For the next couple of years, my plans are to continue working and continue with any treatments recommended by my medical team.

A piece of practical advice for others like me: “Get advice from a dietician. Research. Ask your doctors for help. Diet and exercise can improve your life.”

Challenges Online Support Group

Things I found particularly helpful in my cancer journey were online support, Zoom meetings and YouTube videos.

Challenges Partner

Since my cancer diagnosis, I’ve faced challenges in my day-to-day life and social life and relationships with my loved ones, but the latter has affected me the most. I am 70. My sexual life was waning. Now it is nonexistent. Now my wife and I had to come to terms with this and find other ways to maintain our relationship.

Lifestyle Continue Working

I continued working after finding out I had cancer. My employer was very understanding and offered some accommodations. Also, I needed the money to support myself and my loved ones. I went from working five days a week to four.

Side Effects Financial Burden 5

My biggest fears?

  • Money
  • Leaving my wife alone if I died. How would she survive without me?

To cope with them, I kept working. Through research and talking to my doctors, I realized death was not imminent.

Emma Emotions Today

Years on from my diagnosis, I am now feeling optimistic. Treatments are working. I feel healthier due to lifestyle changes.

Words Opinions 1

“Stay positive. Research! But beware of poor websites and scams. If you have questions, ask your doctors.”

This patient's story is published and shared with their full consent. Any personal data that can be used to identify the patient has been omitted.
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